Wednesday, July 11, 2012

MCW to recruit more minorities for health careers - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
million grant from the that will be used to increass the number of minorities and other disadvantaged individuals pursuinvgbiomedical careers. The program will recruit college undergraduateaand first-year medical students from populations that are under-representecd nationally in health-related sciences. The students will undertake a 10-wee k period of hands-on laboratory experience duringf the summer at theMedicapl College.
Under the guidance of Medical College faculty, the students will develop investigative knowledg eand skills, particularly in the areasa of cardiovascular, pulmonary, hematologic or sleep The experience is intended to builsd valuable skills, self-confidence and interest in the healthh sciences, and aid the successful entry into graduate school or medical school. Dr. Kenneth Simons, seniofr associate dean of academic affairs and professor of ophthalmologytand pathology, and Jeannette associate professor of biophysics, will lead the program, called the Summer Research Education Progranm to Increase Diversity in Health Related Research.
“The goal is to work one-on-one with each student to help them map out a plan for advancingb to the next step on theier academic path and providing them with the toolz they need to get Simons said.

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