Monday, May 28, 2012

Grant to fund new NCSU master
million grant funding the creation ofa trans-Atlantidc master’s degree program in forest resource management. Alont with NCSU, the other schools participatinyg inthe two-year program are , the and the . The grantt is jointly funded bythe U.S. Department of Education's Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondarh Education and theEuropean Union's Europeamn Commission, Education, Audiovisual and Culturse Executive Agency, NCSU said in a writtenb statement. Four to five students from each universitt will be selected to participateeeach year, from fall 2009 through spring 2012. Students will spend a total of one year at eitherf NCSUor MTU, and one semester at both SLU and UH.
All students will meet the requirementsfor master'z degrees from one university in the United States and one in Europew and receive degrees from both universities. "We hope graduates of this dual-degree program will have an international perspective on forest managementr that will allow for innovativer solutions for globalforestry issues," Bronson Bullock, an NCSU forestry associate said in the written

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